Reclaiming Leadership: Kinzinger on Masculinity, Cross-Party Alliances, and the Future of America

In a recent America at a Crossroads interview, former Congressman Adam Kinzinger shared his thoughts on the cultural and political shifts that have reshaped American society. His discussion touched on the crisis of masculinity, the importance of ethical leadership, and his surprising endorsement of Kamala Harris, all while reflecting on the broader implications for the country’s future.

The Crisis of Masculinity in Modern America

One of the more intriguing aspects of Kinzinger’s conversation was his take on what he describes as a “crisis of masculinity” in America. He argued that the concept of masculinity has been distorted, particularly in the context of political and cultural rhetoric. “What I think masculinity is,” Kinzinger explained, “is when strong people defend vulnerable people… masculinity is trying to help people that are poor and give them a leg up.”

Kinzinger lamented that this traditional understanding of masculinity has been overshadowed by a more toxic interpretation, one that celebrates aggression and disrespect. He pointed to the influence of figures like Donald Trump, who have capitalized on this distorted view. “What we have now in reaction… is they convinced men that if you yell, if you’re obnoxious, if you cuss and you’re mean to women, that is masculinity—and the problem is it’s not.”

This perspective sheds light on a broader cultural issue that affects not just politics but society as a whole. Kinzinger’s call for a return to a more ethical and compassionate form of masculinity is a reminder of the values that should guide both personal and public life.

Populism and the Appeal of Toxic Masculinity

Kinzinger also explored the connection between this crisis of masculinity and the rise of populism in American politics. He suggested that the sense of alienation felt by many men, particularly in rural areas, has been exploited by populist leaders who offer simplistic solutions to complex problems. “If you’re in the middle of the country… and you feel like you’ve been left behind… Donald Trump comes out and says things that are totally irreverent… I think to a lot of people, that is charisma.”

This allure of populist rhetoric, combined with a distorted sense of masculinity, has helped fuel the rise of figures like Trump. Kinzinger’s analysis highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of these cultural dynamics, particularly as they influence political behavior and attitudes.

A Surprising Endorsement: Kinzinger Supports Kamala Harris

In a move that may have surprised some, Kinzinger has endorsed Kamala Harris for president, despite his conservative roots. His rationale is deeply rooted in his concern for the future of American democracy. “I could either vote for a fascist party… or I could vote for somebody I disagree with on policy,” he stated bluntly.

Kinzinger made it clear that his decision was driven by a belief that the immediate threat posed by Trumpism outweighs his policy disagreements with Harris. He used a military analogy to explain his reasoning: “If I’m in a trench… and there’s an enemy 30 meters off and there’s an enemy five meters off, all of my attention has to be at that 5-meter enemy… the five-meter is the threat to democracy.”

This endorsement underscores the seriousness with which Kinzinger views the current political climate. It also reflects a broader trend of cross-party alliances forming in response to the perceived dangers of authoritarianism. For many, Kinzinger’s support for Harris is a reminder that the preservation of democratic norms and ethical leadership transcends traditional party lines.

The Role of Leadership: Standing Up for What’s Right

Throughout the interview, Kinzinger repeatedly emphasized the importance of ethical leadership, particularly in times of crisis. He criticized many of his former colleagues for failing to stand up to Trump and for prioritizing their political careers over the well-being of the country. “Getting kicked out of your tribe fully kicked out is something people fear more than they fear death,” Kinzinger observed, reflecting on the pressures that keep many leaders in line.

However, Kinzinger also spoke about the power of speaking truth to power and the positive impact it can have. “I love seeing people’s reaction when you speak truth because it’s like stuff that’s in their soul that nobody said, and it’s like, yes, I agree,” he noted. This passion for truth and ethical governance is at the heart of Kinzinger’s vision for the future, and it serves as a call to action for leaders across the political spectrum.

A Vision for the Future: Building Cross-Party Alliances

Kinzinger’s reflections on leadership and his endorsement of Harris also tie into a broader vision for the future of American politics. He expressed hope that cross-party alliances could become more common, particularly as the country faces threats to its democratic institutions. “We need this unnatural coalition of… sane people on the right, the center, and the left… to stand together to fight back against this fascist authoritarianism,” Kinzinger urged.
This vision of coalition-building and cross-party collaboration is particularly relevant in today’s polarized political environment. It suggests a way forward that prioritizes the health of the nation over narrow partisan interests, offering a path to rebuild trust in democratic processes and institutions.

Ethical Leadership in Challenging Times

Adam Kinzinger’s reflections on masculinity, leadership, and the future of American politics offer valuable insights at a time of deep cultural and political divisions. His critique of toxic masculinity and populism, combined with his call for cross-party alliances and ethical governance, provides a framework for addressing the challenges facing the nation.

As the country moves toward future elections, the need for leaders who prioritize truth, ethics, and the preservation of democracy has never been greater. Kinzinger’s perspective serves as both a warning and an inspiration, reminding us that the path forward requires courage, integrity, and a commitment to the values that have long defined the American political tradition.

America at a Crossroads is a program of Jews United for Democracy & Justice, an organization dedicated to the preservation of our American democracy and to combating authoritarianism.