Defending Democracy: Adam Kinzinger on January 6th, Trumpism, and the Future of the GOP

In a recent interview with America at a Crossroads, former Congressman Adam Kinzinger offered a candid assessment of the current state of American democracy, focusing particularly on the January 6th Capitol riot and the troubling evolution of the Republican Party under Donald Trump. Kinzinger’s reflections provide essential insights into the challenges facing the nation as it navigates these turbulent times.

The Breaking Point: Trump’s Election Claims and January 6th

Adam Kinzinger’s perspective on the events of January 6th is shaped by his deep commitment to democratic principles. Reflecting on the night of the 2020 election, Kinzinger described his reaction to Trump’s premature declaration of victory and subsequent claims that the election was being stolen. “That was my heartbreak,” he said, emphasizing that for democracy to function, “we have to agree that our voting system will count the votes of those who can legally vote and that the winner wins.”
This simple but fundamental principle, Kinzinger argues, is what makes self-governance possible. When Trump began to sow doubt about the integrity of the election, Kinzinger recognized the danger: “When he comes out and starts convincing a significant amount of the country that election was stolen or that our election system doesn’t work, Larry it was just I knew that the next step is civil war” His words serve as a stark reminder of how fragile democracy can be when its basic tenets are undermined.
Kinzinger’s stance highlights the importance of protecting the institutions and norms that have long underpinned American democracy. The events of January 6th, in his view, were not just an aberration but a symptom of a deeper crisis—one that continues to threaten the stability of the nation.

A Party Transformed: The Rise of Trumpism in the GOP

Kinzinger did not mince words when discussing the transformation of the Republican Party under Donald Trump. He described a party that has strayed from its conservative roots, embracing instead a brand of populism and authoritarianism. “There’s conservatism… but republicanism is not conservative anymore,” Kinzinger stated. “It’s a party that believes in dividing… the head of the Republican Party is more interested in punching down to the little guy than punching across at somebody like Vladimir Putin.”
This shift, according to Kinzinger, is not just a political change but a moral one. He criticized Republican leaders, particularly Kevin McCarthy, for their failure to stand up to Trump, arguing that their actions have allowed Trumpism to dominate the party. “Kevin McCarthy made that decision because he’s selfish… the only thing he ever wanted was to be Speaker,” Kinzinger remarked, lamenting that McCarthy chose to align with MAGA forces rather than uphold democratic principles.
Kinzinger’s analysis of the GOP’s current state paints a picture of a party in crisis, driven by fear and opportunism rather than by the values it once championed. His critique resonates as a call to reflect on the ethical responsibilities of political leaders and the consequences of abandoning those responsibilities.

Looking Ahead: Can the GOP Be Reformed?

Looking ahead, Kinzinger remains cautiously hopeful about the potential for the GOP to return to its traditional values, though he acknowledges that this will not be an easy path. “There is a chance, small chance, that in five or ten years the Republican Party can go back to being the kind of party we remember,” Kinzinger suggested.
However, he also warned that if the party continues on its current trajectory, it could solidify into something much darker: “If the party isn’t saved and it ends up being this nationalistic, fascist party, then I think there will either have to be a coalition in the Democrats to take conservatives or else there will be a third party.”
Kinzinger’s vision for the future underscores the urgency of the moment. The path the GOP chooses in the coming years will have significant implications not just for the party itself but for the broader landscape of American politics. His words invite reflection on the role that all citizens—regardless of party affiliation—can play in shaping that future.

A Call to Action

Adam Kinzinger’s reflections on the state of American democracy and the transformation of the Republican Party offer a valuable perspective during a time of deep political division. His candid assessment of the challenges facing the nation, from the erosion of democratic norms to the rise of authoritarian tendencies within the GOP, serves as both a warning and a call to action.
As the country moves toward future elections, the stakes remain high. The preservation of democratic principles requires vigilance, courage, and a commitment to ethical leadership. Kinzinger’s insights remind us that the future of democracy depends on the choices we make today and the values we choose to uphold.
This was Congressman Kinzinger’s second guest appearance with America at a Crossroads. His first appearance in June, 2021 can be viewed at this link.