The Challenges of War and Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

In a recent America at a Crossroads discussion, seasoned Middle East expert Aaron David Miller and moderator Larry Mantle dove deep into the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, focusing on the current war in Gaza and the difficult decisions Israeli leadership faces. Miller, who has spent decades in diplomacy and peacemaking efforts, shared his insights on the recent tragic events, the dilemmas of international law, and the ongoing hostage crisis in Gaza. Their conversation offers a glimpse into the challenges ahead for both Israel and Palestine.

The Latest Tragic Events in Gaza

The ongoing violence in Gaza has been a heavy burden for those observing from the sidelines, let alone for the civilians on both sides of the conflict. Miller, who has been at the heart of peace negotiations for years, described his emotional detachment as a way to maintain objectivity while analyzing these tragic events. However, he admits that separating the emotional from the analytical is nearly impossible.

“I realized in the end that that’s really not possible,” he said, “There is no objectivity here when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

This conflict, which has deeply affected both Israelis and Palestinians, is a testament to how difficult it is to remain neutral while assessing the humanitarian crisis unfolding. The war in Gaza, marked by constant violence, is exacerbating trauma on both sides—something Miller emphasizes will have long-lasting effects.

Dilemmas of International Law in Warfare

One of the major challenges in the Gaza conflict is balancing the requirements of international law with the real-time decisions military commanders must make when combatants are embedded within civilian populations. This was highlighted after recent Israeli airstrikes in Gaza, where civilian casualties once again became a focal point of the debate.

“A military commander makes a judgment as to whether or not the military Target that an Israeli Precision guided munition… is trying to destroy,” Miller explained, illustrating how these decisions often fall into gray areas under the laws of war.

Despite efforts to minimize civilian harm, Hamas operates in and around civilian structures, complicating the task of distinguishing between military and civilian targets. Miller acknowledges that, in such complex situations, satisfying both parties in terms of legal accountability is nearly impossible.

The Hostage Crisis: A Diminishing Asset

One of the most pressing issues in the conflict is the fate of the Israeli hostages held by Hamas. Miller highlights that, while Israel’s military campaign is critical to preventing future attacks, the lives of these hostages represent a “diminishing asset.”

“I would also want to believe that in addition to ensuring that the lives of those who died are not in vain, the Israelis have a commitment to redeem the living,” Miller remarked, underscoring the importance of bringing the remaining hostages back alive.

This urgency puts pressure on Israeli leadership to balance military objectives with the humanitarian imperative of rescuing hostages. With time running out and conditions for the hostages worsening, every decision is critical.

The Role of Netanyahu's Coalition in Israel’s War Strategy

At the heart of Israel’s decision-making process is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government’s priorities. According to Miller, Netanyahu’s main concern has been maintaining his fragile governing coalition, even at the expense of other key issues like international relations or the fate of the hostages.

“The overriding priority of the current Israeli Prime Minister is to maintain the Coalition,” Miller pointed out, describing how political survival often takes precedence over broader strategic concerns.

Netanyahu’s political troubles, including his ongoing corruption trial, have limited his ability to take bold actions that might risk alienating his base or his coalition partners.

Public Opinion and Israeli Leadership

Despite massive protests across Israel calling for a ceasefire and prioritizing the hostages’ release, Netanyahu’s government continues to maintain its course in the war. Public opinion is divided, and though 500,000 Israelis took to the streets, Miller emphasized that the real power lies with the current government’s coalition.

“The only number that really counts right now is the number 64,” he explained, referring to the number of seats Netanyahu’s coalition holds in the Israeli Knesset. This coalition, more than the protests or even international pressure, is shaping the government’s decisions during this critical time.

About America at a Crossroads

Since April 2020, America at a Crossroads has produced weekly virtual programs on topics related to the preservation of our democracy, voting rights, freedom of the press, and a wide array of civil rights, including abortion rights, free speech, and free press. America at a Crossroads is a project of Jews United for Democracy & Justice.